June 12, 2024 at Upperby CDC and online
Dan MacLennan* (Chair)
Claire Winder* (Vice Chair)
Alastair Woodcock (Secretary)
Chris Armstrong*
Kieron Bulman*
Ross Parkinson*
Martin Robson*
Peter Harrington (Treasurer)
Billy Atkinson*
Mike Denovellis*
Matt Spooner*
Acceptance of minutes from May 15
The minutes were read. An amendment was requested to add reference to the planned meeting with the London Branch to ‘Any Other Business’. They were then accepted.
Matters arising
Survey results had been sent out on social media. Members meeting – plan remains to host it before the start of the new season. Stadium readiness is the main issue affecting the venue of meeting. London Branch – meeting plans – Dan in had been in contact with Dave Brown. Proposal to meet on July 1 – to host on Zoom – Dan/Claire to attend on our behalf.
Ross has been paid – Ross and Chris updated their bios on the website.
Club matters
Holdings – nothing to report.
1921 Update (from Matt):
Fan Zone Big Screen – Installed week of 3/6/24. New audio system being worked on to have big screen sound in fan zone. This will allow us to have different outputs in and outside stadium for the first time.
East Stand Skyboxes – All boxes sold. One being retained for match by match sale. Prices have been made public.
East Stand Refurbishment – Works progressing – see latest videos – new hospitality lounges being finalised and set to market prices imminently.
Changing Rooms/Ref Room Refurbishment – Underway. New room layouts done, new drains in, plumbing electrics and first fix building/joinery works on the go.
Warwick Road End Alterations – Work underway for disabled fan area and fan zone area – see latest Club updates for further info.
Fixtures Launch 26th June to Business Breakfast
Strip Launch 26th June after Fixture Launch
Sub groups
Chris had put together a draft survey to cover the potential name/logo change. Board members to complete first as a test. Ross asked if the name change was necessary or if members would want it?
Claire asked about why CUST was offered as a new name? CCUIST could be offered as an option?
It was agreed Chris would need to refine things before the survey goes out to the members.
We would need to standardise the pallette/colours of any logo to ensure our public face is consistent.
Members-only meeting – straight majority vote to accept name/logo?
GoCardless – 2 factor authentication needed via Dave Noble’s mobile. Chris had changed the password.
Fees to be frozen at £10 – Club not needing our financial input right now.
Rolling membership v year to year – we want to move to rolling. Membership renewed early will extend to July 31 2025. To look at Mojo regarding dates of membership start/end.
Skills audit recommended by FSA. Document to be made available to board. Claire would raise our current lack of a formal mission statement with Matt.
We preferred to drop the family membership option. £10 per adult/£5 per concession would be the price per member in future.
Chris raised the problem of gaps in date of birth data that we hold for each member – under age members could be voting?
Match day experience – Claire shared her draft process plan
Ross suggested we introduce a rule that only one win per season per member should be permitted.
Claire said that friends and family of board members should not be excluded from the competition. For family members – only the primary member (usually the member paying the fee) should be allowed to attend as the ‘winner’ – only those aged 13 or over are permitted to enter the boardroom. Reference to dress code should be added. Matt was discussing the minimum board members allowed to attend with guests. Drinks/buffet included.
Martin suggested giving winners one deferment if they can’t attend the next game. Replies should be within 48 hours for the winning member to qualify for the prize. To add prize rules to website.
Dan had shared the results of the recent fans/members survey results – these had been well received. Reminders to renew going out – now available for early renewals.
£6464.87 bank balance
1342 members
£1000 payment to Ladies Team – CUOSC to get acknowledgement and organise photo? Dan to contact Nigel C to discuss protocol regarding womens’ team.
Ross suggested holding back one boardroom experience for Norman. We could ask for an extra guest for one match to allow him to attend. Dan said we could donate a commemorative plaque in his name.
It was suggested that Norman should be made a life member. He had a few payments outstanding on his loan, but it was due to be fully repaid by the end of this year. Billy to ask Norman if he would be happy with this arrangement. CUOSC to consider sponsoring the walking football team that Norman is part of.
Alastair to ask Peter about process to set up new bank signatory.
Action tracker
Martin had put this together and demonstrated it on screen, working as part of Teams.
Any Other Business
GoPro camera – this has already been acquired by the club’s new goalkeeper coach, Glen Johnson. We agreed to pay £249 to reimburse him. This would be good from a PR perspective.
Dog trainer based locally (drug sniffer) – wants to use Brunton Park – Matt approached Nigel C to approve.
Football Governance Bill – we considered approaching candidates in the coming General Election to ask if they supported its introduction. Martin had a list of all candidates standing locally. Email to all those with email addresses. To ask for confirmation that they support the bill.
Fixture release breakfast on June 26 – Martin volunteered to attend on our behalf.
Next meeting
Wednesday July 17