1. Introduction
This document is drafted in accordance with the existing Rules of Carlisle & Cumbria United
Independent Supporters Society Limited adopted pursuant to a resolution of the Society at a
Board Meeting held on October 23, 2024 and the Best Practice guidance issued by the Football
Supporters’ Association. The purpose of the Election Policy is to ensure that the elections for
the Society Board members are conducted in a democratic and unbiased manner and the
process and results are accepted as free and fair by all participants.
2. Definitions
2.1. “AGM” means the annual general meeting of the Society.
2.2. “Election Period” means the period from the date each year on which the Secretary issues
nomination forms to Members until 3 days after the announcement of the result of the
election to which the nomination forms relate.
2.3. “Member(s)” means a member(s) of the Society.
2.4. “Society Board Member(s)” means an elected or Co-opted Member(s) of the Society.
2.5. “Election Policy” means the terms and conditions laid out in this document.
2.6. “EMG” means the Election Management Group.
2.7. “Board Membership and Conduct Policy” means a detailed set of rules and regulations of
the Society set out in a separate policy statement.
2.8. “Co-opted Member(s)” means a person(s) who has/have been elected to the Society
Board by Society Board Members but not elected by the Members.
2.9. “Indictable Offence” means a criminal offence (other than a spent conviction as defined
by the rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974) for dishonesty, fraud or dealing in drugs.
2.10. “Rules” means the rules and regulations of the Society laid out in the separate Rules
2.11. “Secretary” means the Secretary of the Society.
2.12. “Society” means Carlisle & Cumbria United Independent Supporters’ Society Limited
(also known as ‘Carlisle United Supporters’ Trust’).
2.13. “Society Board means the elected Board of the Society including any co-opted Society
Board Members.
3. Election Management
3.1. In advance of the commencement of the election, the Society Board will appoint at least
2 members of the Society (who with the exception of the Secretary may not include serving
Society Board members) to form an Election Management Group (EMG).
3.2. The EMG shall be chaired by an independent person who is not a member of the Society.
3.3. If it is not possible to agree on the identity of the independent chair, the FSA will assist
with identifying a suitable chair.
3.4. No members of the Society Board whose positions are due to be offered for election shall
play any part in determining the composition of the EMG or any aspect regarding the conduct
of the elections.
3.5. The Society Board shall ensure that the membership of the EMG has been agreed before
the Secretary circulates nomination forms.
3.6. Members of the EMG shall not be eligible to nominate candidates nor be a candidate
themselves and shall ensure that they are not associated closely with any candidates and have
proper regard to maintaining the integrity of the election process.
3.7. During the Election Period the EMG will ensure that the election is run in accordance with
this policy and manage the process, with the assistance of the Secretary as required.
3.8. The EMG shall make the final decision as to the eligibility of candidates, nominations and
valid votes.
3.9. The EMG shall conduct the count, unless this aspect is handled by an external body, and
the result, as determined by them, is final.
3.10. Any decisions taken by the EMG will be by majority vote and recorded. The Chair of the
EMG shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie.
4. Timetable
4.1. The election results will take place at the Society’s AGM.
4.2. The Board shall agree the number of vacancies to be elected; if the numbers to be elected
differs from the numbers elected in previous years or changes the number of places to be
elected in total on the Society Board, then the reasons why the change has been made shall
be communicated to members in the form soliciting nominations.
4.3. The Secretary will arrange for the nomination forms to be circulated with advance notice
of the AGM, at least three weeks before the AGM.
5. Nominations and Eligibility
5.1. Any person wishing to be a candidate for election to the Society Board must be a fully
paid-up member of the Society before the membership cut off point as specified by the
Secretary and be nominated by at least two fully paid-up members of the Society.
5.2. At least a third of the board positions will be eligible for election at each AGM.
5.3. Co-opted board members are required to stand down prior to the AGM and stand for
election should they choose to.
5.2. The EMG with assistance from the Secretary will verify that nominations are valid.
5.3. Nominations can be made at any time from the issue of the nomination forms up until
the notified close of nominations.
5.4. It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that their nomination is valid and submitted
in accordance with the election timetable. The Secretary will acknowledge receipt of all
5.5. Any decision by the EMG not to accept a nomination as valid should be notified to the
candidate as soon as possible in order that the situation may be rectified, or an appeal heard.
5.6. Candidates must submit a statement in support of their nomination of no more than 500
words and submit a photograph for publication with their statement.
5.7. Any statements which are deemed by the EMG to not conform to the Values of the
Society, as set out in the Rules, will have their nomination invalidated.
5.8. By submitting a nomination, candidates will be deemed to have read and accepted this
Election Policy and Rules adopted by the Society and to have agreed to be bound by them.
5.9. Specifically, candidates are self-certifying that they have read the Code of Conduct for
Board Members and agree to be bound by it and certify they have not been disqualified from
being a company director in line with UK law.
5.10. The Secretary will only confirm the number and names of nominations once the close
of the nominating period has passed.
6. Statements and Campaigning
6.1. Campaigning will be restricted to the statements submitted by the candidates and any
hustings organised by the Society.
6.2. During the election neither the EMG, Secretary nor the Board may provide advice to
voting members as to the suitability of any candidate nor issue any voting advice to members
6.3. Any comments made by candidates in public or on social media which are deemed by the
EMG to not conform to the Values of the Society, as set out in the Rules, will have their
nomination invalidated.
7. Voting & Result
7.1. Voting will take place electronically and anonymously prior to the AGM.
7.2. If there are more candidates than places available on the Society Board, the Secretary
will issue ballot papers and copies of candidates’ statements to members of the Society.
7.3. Ballot papers can be issued electronically, by post or conducted through a digital third
party management platform.
7.4. Voting will be undertaken by members of the society who are at least 16-years-old and
are fully paid up before the cut off point for membership as designated by the Secretary.
7.5. Society members eligible to vote will be issued with one ballot. Multiple ballots received
from the same individual will not be accepted. If multiple ballots are received from the same
Individual, then neither will be accepted.
7.6. Votes may be submitted by electronic means up to the time stated on the ballot paper
for those unable to attend and vote in the meeting. The count will take place prior to the
7.7. Society members will be asked to vote for up to one candidate per available seat.
7.8. The highest placed candidates in terms of total votes as equal to the number of places
available for election declared by the Board will be deemed elected.
7.9. Those candidates who receive the highest number of votes will serve the longest terms
in situations where there are seats available with differing term lengths.
7.10. If, after all votes have been counted, two or more candidates are tied for any vacancy,
lots will be drawn to determine who is elected.
7.11. If there are as many or fewer candidates than there are places, an affirmative ballot will
be held at the AGM. Each successfully nominated candidate will be put before the meeting
for approval. Any candidate not receiving the support of more than half of those present in
person and by proxy will be deemed to have not been elected.
7.12. The exception will be that should the failure to elect any of the validly nominated
candidates leave the Board below the minimum required under the Rules for them to act, all
validly nominated candidates will be deemed elected by the EMG.
7.13. The result will be communicated to members on the Society’s website, social media,
and by email.
7.14. Candidates or complainants shall raise matters with the EMG whose decision is final.
7.15. Complaints after voting has closed shall be made to the EMG not later than three
working days after the close of voting.
7.16. Any complaint received after this date shall be ruled out of order.
7.17. If any candidate should contravene the Election Policy, the EMG shall judge whether a
disqualification should apply, and their decision is final.
7.18. Any appeal against the decision of the EMG shall be made through and governed by the
disputes procedure as set out in the Society Rules.