1 Introduction
This document is drafted in accordance with the existing rules of
Carlisle & Cumbria United Independent Supporters Society Limited
and sets out the Standing Orders for General Meetings adopted
pursuant to a resolution of the Society Board dated September 15,
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that:
1.1 the Society conducts it’s meetings in an effective and professional way;
1.2 the time allotted for the transaction of the business of the meeting is clearly defined and adhered to unless there are special reasons to extend the meeting;
2 Definitions
2.1 “AGM” means the annual general meeting of the Society.
2.2 “Member(s)” means a member(s) of the Society.
2.3 “Society Board Member(s)” means an elected or Co-opted Member(s) of the Society.
2.4 “Rules” means the rules and regulations of the Society laid out in the separate Rules document
2.5 “Secretary” means the secretary of the Society.
2.6 “Treasurer” means the elected treasurer of the Society.
2.7 “Society” means Carlisle & Cumbria United Independent Supporters’ Society Limited (also known as ‘CUST’).
2.8 “Society Board” means the elected Board of the Society including any co-opted Society Board Members.
3 Principles of Standing Orders
3.1 These Standing Orders supplement the provisions in the Society’s Rules relating to General Meetings. In the case of any inconsistency between the Rules and these Standing Orders then the terms of the Rules shall prevail.
3.2 The Society Board may alter, rescind or add to any part or element of these Standing Orders by a simple majority vote of those present at a Society Board Meeting. The Secretary is to consider, periodically, the need for amendments to Standing Orders and report on this matter to the Board.
3.3 The aim of these Standing Orders is to make each meeting as efficient and productive as possible and to ensure that it is conducted in a professional manner, allowing the Chair to keep order whilst permitting each member the opportunity to fully participate in the meeting. All these issues are key to the Society as its functional structure is based on the democratic process, of which meetings are a key part.
4 Order of Business
4.1 The order of business at every ordinary or special meeting of the Society shall be in accordance with the printed agenda of business issued with the notice of the meeting.
5 Speaking
5.1 The mover of a motion or amendment shall be allowed up to 5 minutes in which to state the case. The mover of the motion shall also have the right to reply at the end of the discussion, and in replying shall be confined to answering previous speakers and shall not be permitted to introduce new matters into the debate. Up to 5 minutes shall be allowed for this right of reply after which the motion shall be put to the vote.
5.2 In regard to any motion or amendment no other speaker shall be allowed more than 5 minutes except with the permission of the Chair. No amendments to motions shall be accepted at a general meeting unless the notice convening the meeting has made clear that motions may be amended at the meeting.
5.3 Every member who wishes to speak shall address the Chair and confine their speech to the subject under discussion.
5.4 No member shall address the meeting more than once on the same subject except as provided in 5.1 and 5.2.
5.5 The Chair may invite an officer or professional advisor of the Society present at the meeting to give a report and/or to respond to any comments or questions raised by a member.
5.6 In response to any questions or comments raised by a member, the Chair reserves the right to arrange for a written response to be forwarded to the member in due course.
6 Closure of Debate
6.1 All meetings shall terminate not later than two-and-a-half hours after the commencement time specified in the notice of the meeting.
7 Chair of Meetings
7.1 The Chair shall facilitate general meetings. If s/he is absent or unwilling to act at the time any meeting proceeds to business then another Society Board member shall facilitate the meeting. If no other Society Board member is present or willing to act, the members present shall choose either one of their number or an independent person recommended by the Society Board to be the Chair for that meeting. If a quorum is not present within half an hour of the time the general meeting was due to commence, or if during a meeting a quorum ceases to be present, the chair must adjourn the meeting for at least 7 days. If within half an hour of the time the adjourned meeting was due to commence a quorum is not present, the Members present shall constitute a quorum.
7.2 The Chair may call attention to continued irrelevance, repetition, unbecoming language or any breach of order on the part of a member and may direct such member to discontinue their speech.
7.3 If the Chair considers that a motion or amendment has been discussed sufficiently, he/she may move that the question be now put, and the motion or amendment shall at once be put to the vote without further discussion.
7.4 The decision of the Chair on any point shall be final.
7.5 In the case of an equality of votes, whether on a show of hands or a poll, the Chair shall not have a second or casting vote and the resolution shall be deemed to not have been carried.